Board meetings are the place where major decisions are taken — it’s not uncommon for a company’s whole management structure to be determined by a vote during the board meeting. There’s much riding on the quality of your board’s minute It’s vital that you know how to handle minutes as efficiently and precisely as you can.

An outline or template that is based on the agenda before time makes it easier for the person taking the minutes to keep up with the conversation and to note important information. It’s also beneficial to have an agenda of the attendees so that they can be noted when they arrive. This will help save time and make it easier to compile the finalised minutes of the board meeting after the meeting.

Another key tip is to keep from getting too personal. It is recommended to keep the minutes objective and avoid mentioning personal arguments or disagreements about political views, idle chat. Also, leave out any discussion about the personal lives of any individual member or if any personal stories are discussed which aren’t related to the issue at hand.

Also, any votes should be clearly documented and include the person who initiated and seconded the motion, the exact language of the motion, and whether it was passed or not. It is also recommended to record the number of that yeas and nays were voted as well with any votes abstentions or abstentions against. This will assist in the event of legal challenges in the future.