The field of cybersecurity is constantly changing and requires the right mix of technical skills. You can be successful in this fast-paced and rewarding career by obtaining a degree or certificate.

Cyber security is a set strategies and technologies that are designed to safeguard digital identities from malware, hacking, and unauthorized access. This can include safeguarding data in a 100% digital environment (the cloud) and on mobile devices, establishing multiple layers of security that go beyond the firewall that users use and ensuring that software or systems cannot be hacked or compromised or accessed without permission.

A data breach can ruin the reputation of a company and this can be costly in terms of retention of customers and brand loyalty. With a well-designed cybersecurity system in place, businesses will be able to avoid unexpected setbacks, as well as improve their workflow productivity.

Many industries have strict rules governing the handling of sensitive data. Failure to meet these requirements can result in heavy penalties. A company that has an effective cybersecurity plan in place is viewed as more trustworthy and reliable by customers than a competitor who doesn’t, which can improve their reputation and increase business growth.

Cybersecurity also encompasses disaster recovery and business continuity planning. It can include processes to detect and mitigate threats, such phishing or malware attacks methods to report an incident and minimizing the damage; and tools to minimize the effects of threats by identifying them or blocking them.