Avast Game Mode is a function that disables some aspects of the antivirus software to boost performance and free up system resources while playing games. It automatically detects the games you play and optimizes them to give them the best possible performance. It also supports customization, so you can add specific games to its whitelist, ensuring they always have the right resources.

In addition to optimizing PC settings, the game mode disables various background processes and disables notifications from Avast or Windows, as well as it pauses Windows updates to let you enjoy your game without interruption. It also prioritizes CPU resources and maximizes them to give you the most enjoyable gaming experience.

In contrast to traditional antivirus software, Avast Game Mode is specifically designed for gamers, allowing gamers with a more enjoyable gaming experience. Its smart system can detect when it is playing a game and suspends resource-intensive tasks such as updates or scans to minimize interference. This allows the computer to devote more of its resources to your game, which results in quicker loading times and enhanced game play.

It is integrated into the Avast software as a component. It can be disabled or activated through its user interface. It can be accessed via the User Interface Settings menu and then selecting components and either checking or unchecking the box next to Game Mode’. Even if you turn off Avast’s Game Mode, the imp source real-time protection will be in effect.