The Oriental wedding ceremony is filled with many meaningful rituals. Every region of Asia has its own exclusive traditions although most characteristic the same primary features. In this post, we check out some of the most common rituals that you might wish to consider to your Asian marriage.

Chinese Wedding Ceremony

To the night before the wedding, the brides mother or perhaps close essential contraindications will perform a hair combing practice known as Shang Tou, which usually signifies her transition out of childhood to adult life. The mother will brush the brides hair several times, wishing her health, prosperity and extended life. The mother will also enhance the bed with red twine, cypress leaves and dragon phoenix candles. She could then compel children to jump on the bed, symbolizing male fertility.

Before, the groom’s family would give a customary grand present to the brides family unit for betrothal and dowry payment. These types of gifts were meant to take pleasure in her parents with regards to raising the lady and displaying their support in the couple’s relationship. The couple would then hold out just for an auspicious date.

The Shinto wedding is generally attended simply by the quick families of the bride and groom. It is a brief wedding service in which the few are blessing by a clergyman and sipping some reason. They might also eat a small piece of mochi for good chance and grain for success. It is a very special service and it may be recommended for couples looking to add a lot of Asian culture to their wedding.