
Investors can easily track the growth of your business and market development when you have all your important documents and data in one place. It also saves time, which is important when you’re fundraising. A well-organized dataroom could give potential buyers a positive initial impression, which could make for a better bargain.

Documents that pertain to intellectual property. This includes a listing of all intangible assets your company has, such as trademarks or brand names. Also, it includes the legal documentation related to these assets, as well as other relevant research or studies. Financial information This includes projected or historical financial statements, along with the assumptions and sources that are used to support those projections. Commercial due diligence includes research reports that highlight the size of your market and how to be noticed. It’s an excellent idea to include your pitch deck, or 1-pager in order to showcase your branding and marketing plan.

Based on your due diligence objectives You may have to add more categories and files. These are a great place to start if you want to prepare for investment opportunities or make sure that your VDR is capable of handling the task. Choose a provider with features like dynamic watermarks or terms of access agreements that discourage users from printing or sharing the information, even after it has been downloaded. These types of security measures can contribute to improve transparency and accountability when sharing sensitive information in a virtual data room.