The board of directors is expected to provide direction and supervise a variety of business-related issues. To do this well they must be involved in productive work. This includes taking decisions as well as completing committee assignments and effectively directing meetings. It also includes evaluating current practices and introducing innovative strategies that boost board effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.

Meeting Attendance

Regular meeting attendance is a crucial indication of a board’s dedication to good governance and, therefore to the value-creating tasks that the business relies on them to do. But it’s not enough. Nell Minow, a shareholder activist, explains that “the boards of many of our most admired corporations have poor or nonexistent records of attendance.” Many of the most famous names on these boards aren’t even present in the first place, and when they do, they are usually unprepared.”

The tailored induction programs help directors get up to speed with their businesses, and continual education ensures that board members are aware of legal and industry changes which could affect their duties. A growing number of boards are establishing board culture initiatives that promote transparency, trust, and collaboration to enable effective decisions and achieve strategic goals.

Certain boards choose to delegate certain tasks to non-board members who possess specific capabilities, contacts or expertise. This allows a wider range of people to take part in the activities of the board, and gives busy professionals the opportunity to serve their cause, and cultivates talent for future board posts.